Marriage Expert for Professionals: Hellen Chen teaching working professionals how to manage their relationships.
Marriage Creation
is a website devoted to discussions and resolutions on marriage issues, dating issues for singles and parenting issues based on the works of Hellen Chen, relationship expert and #1 bestselling author.
If you are a working professional, you are probably to some degree devoting lots of time to your career and yet would not want to miss out on family. This website is created for the following working professionals, executives, business owner:
- You have a family now but would love to spend time with your spouse and children
- You are divorced and would like to start a relationship again with that special someone ( regardless of how old you are)
- You are still single but could not find someone who is matching your caliber
- You are married but going through a rough patch
- You are single and have someone in your life but you are having a hard time deciding to take the marriage step.
Helping CEOs, Executives and Staff to Deal with Issues Beyond the Workplace
Ms Hellen Chen has been a successful business management consultant for over 20 years to top CEOS in over 3 continents and has trained countless managers, employees, executives, business owners in the area of business growth and profitability.
When she traveled around the world to lecture to corporate groups, she found that time and again, relationship issues – with children and spouse and family — always arose in the discussions.
She would devote a portion of her lectures and trainings to help solve those relationship situations and lo and behold, she noticed that productivity, responsibility and general morale increased.
When Does Hellen Become the Matchmaker of the Century?
When she started playing Matchmaker to her own employees who were single and yet were skeptical of marriage — after she successfully married many couples, she earned the reputation of “The Matchmaker of the Century” as the passionate matchmaker who would spare no effort to bring the happiness of family and marriage to those around her.
Then word-of-mouth spread and many public sought her help. She has helped over 100 singles to settle down in marriage thus far. Among those she helped are divorcees, hopeless singles, couples who have experienced infidelity issues and children issues and money conflict issues etc.
We hold seminars regularly throughout the year to help working professionals and business owners improve their love and family life.
If you have a unique situation and would like to know
how to solve it,
ask us for a private consultation!
Please fill in the form below
and we will contact you:
An Expert in Both Management and Relationship Issues:
Ms Hellen Chen has been invited and quoted on over 100 media interviews and publications such as:
For the latest US interviews, go to our Interview page
USA Interviews
Television:FOX, ABC, NBC, CBS, LA18, Pheonix TV, WCETV
News Publication: Chicago Tribune, Houston Chronicle, San Francisco Chronicle,The Cincinnati Herald, Deseret News (Utah), Pasadena Magazine, Yahoo News, World Journal, Insight News, The Resident and many more.
Radio Stations:
100.1 WJRZ Magic Morning Host: Dianne DeOliveira
1330 WFIN-AM Host: Chris Oaks
1380 The fan2 Host: Brian McKenna
News Talk 1320 WISW Host: Woody Windham
Radio 720 WGN The Voice of Chicago Host: Mike McConnell
WCCL FM Host: Jessica Taylor
680 AM the Fan Host: Greg Jordan
WHUR He said She Said Host: Renee and Jeff
Senior Voice America Host: Evan and Deb
David Wilson Show Host: David Wilson
kpcw.org Host: Tim Henney & Lynn Ware Peek
WSIE-FM/NPR Host: Justin
kccnfm100.com Host: Pipi
KRCQFM102.3 Host: Jake Judd
1300AM Host: Shen Mingli
KDKA News Radio Host: Robert Mangino
WCCO Radio Host: Esme Murphy
KLIF Radio Host: Kurt Gilchrist
Bill Meyer Show Host: Bill Meyer
newsradio1620.com Host:Branden Rathert
The Eagles 106.9 Host: Phil Briggs
WELV Host: Ray Somich
B S with Bob Schmidt Host: Bob Schmidt
Other Countries
- Finland Helsinki Times
- Spain Diario de Ferrol, Elmundo Digital, Noticias De Navarra, Terra Spain lainformacion.com, Que!, Orange.es, LAINFORMACION.COM, El Diario,
- Venezuela NTN24, Terra.com.mx
- Costa Rica diarioextra, CR Hoy
- Honduras Diario Tiempo
- Mexico Cronica, Publimetro, Informador, Excélsior
- Ecuador El Tiempo Cuenca
- Columbia Radio Cadena Nacional
10. Nicaragua La Nueva Radio YA,
11. Puerto Rico Telemundo de Puerto Rico, El Nuevo Día
12. Dominican Republic Dario Libre, El Nuevo Diario
13. Chile Radio Santiago, Terra Chile
14. Taiwan: 自由時報, 中央日報,華人世界時報,商業周刊,民視新聞臺,1111人力銀行,中視《綜橫天下》, 華視《華視新聞雜誌》, 民視《九點不一樣》,東風衛視, JET綜合臺, 商業週刊, 魅麗雜誌, 正聲廣播電臺, 環宇電臺, 綠色和平廣播電臺, 中央廣播電臺
15. China: Shanghai TV, Women’s Magazine, Beijing Today
Lectures:Shanghai FuDan University, Corporate Organizations, Los Angeles USA, New York USA, Seattle USA, Boston USA, Singapore MDIS, Bombay India etc.
Do you have more questions about your unique situation which you would like get help with?
Ask us for a one-on-one private consultation.