Our Love Workshop was successfully completed on Feb 2 2013. Thanks to all who have attended. I am very very happy that you came!
Here are some of the comments shared by the attendees:
Inspiring! It is helping me to view the weak points in my relationships!
P. B.
I realized that I have never worked hard in relationships! No wonder I am so bad in this area!
A. H.
Don’t be a “self-satisfied” person. If I said I got X points but my husband, my parents etc don’t think so, then how they feel is my actual grade. I really like what Hellen said about “be honest.” If I am honest with myself, I can change!
V. K.
Because of certain factors which Hellen pointed out, I found that I have become not sensitive in relationships. This was great information – yes, it was what I needed!
K. G.
I like Hellen’s way of teaching. She uses examples which I could understand. I now understand how I had not put energy into relationships. I need to change my priorities, and also learn how to love myself first and then find someone who can love me.
H. W.
I see that my ‘monitor’ system is totally turned off! So I cannot even sense the major departures in a relationship until it is too late. Thanks for this great seminar! I can see the possibility to improve myself to have a good marriage!
Y. C.
I thought I have good points in my marriage but I did not check if they are also good for my husband. I cannot try to move ahead by myself only. A harmonious relationship is about moving forward together.
A. L.
Today is the first time I realize how I would like others to treat me, and at the same time, I realized I cannot even treat others the same way. The most important thing is how I give, not what I get, and that will put me also more in control and the result will be what I like! This is a great seminar! Indeed, I learned a lot!
I have thought that I would be able to do well in my upcoming marriage. But the reality is so far from what I have imagined. I do not know the direction and I do not know how to communicate clearly. I see how I need to work harder and increase my sensitivity.
W. L.
During the exercise done in the workshop, I saw that I have many good points as a woman. But I did not demonstrate those good points consistently and that is really bad for our relationship. I now understand the importance of self-improvement.
Today, I found the basic problems between my husband and myself. I found the direction to improve. I also gain back my “sensitivity” and the “feeling” of life. I want to bring more love and happiness to my husband. My life changed indeed!
Today’s seminar totally changed my viewpoint about marriage. There are so many things one could create in a relationship. I have been married for 23 years, and because of what I learned today, I know I can enjoy romance with my husband for the rest of my life!
M. H.

“I am very happy that everyone who came found new possibilities to improve their relationships!” – Hellen
NEXT: Hellen’s Love Workshop in Taipei, Taiwan on March 16 2013
Visit: http://MyLoveMyHappiness.com